Casual Look!
Hola! Hoy les traigo otro outfit, uno muy casual. Este outfit lo uso esos días que son muy flojos como hoy. Así que normalmente uso un jean negro más una camisa y unos zapatos cómodos, hoy las zapatillas de leopardo, agregando un gorrito para darle un poco mas de color al outfit. Gracias por pasarse por el blog y te invito a seguirnos. Bye.
Hello! today another outfit, really casual. I want to show you what do i wear in those days that are really lazy for me, I just put my jeans in this case my black jeans with a t-shirt and some comfortable shoes as my animal prints flats. Finally I wore a pink beanie and that's all. That Brings some color to my outfit. ( by the way I apologize if there are any mistake in my grammar, I'm learning about this language so thanks for your comprehension)
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