DIY - Transforma tu camisa a falda!
16:44Hola les dejo este diy es muy fácil, tome la camisa y para reciclarla la transforme en falda, solo necesitas esa camisa que quieras transformar y una liga mas hilo y aguja o lo coses a máquina. Los pasos son cortar la falda de la altura que quieras y luego colocar la liga y coserla en la falda, haces el ruedo y listo! Espero se atrevan a transformar esa camisa que pensaban tirar.
Hello! I bring to you today this diy really easy. You need an old shirt that you want to customize. You just need a needle and thread or a sewing machine and finally you will need an elastic band. The steps are easy. First cut that shirt with the large that you want then put the elastic band and it is ready to sew. That's all! You will get a new skirt! Thanks for read!
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